Monday, September 10, 2007

A Merry Heart

I got this from the Good Report

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22
Trying to get a word in edgewise with some people is like trying to thread a sewing machine with the motor running.
We like the fellow who says he's going to make a long story short - and does.
Did you hear about the new new toothpaste that has shoe polish in it? It is for anyone who puts his foot in his mouth.
Q: "What's more clever than speaking several languages?"
A: "Keeping your mouth shut in one."
When you are in deep water, it's a good idea to keep your mouth shut.
He who has a sharp tongue usually cuts his own throat.
You should hear her talk when she is driving. I bet she gets 2,000 words per gallon.
A wise man once said that the best way to save face is to keep the bottom part of it closed.
Waiter: "How did you find your steak, sir?"
Customer: "I just lifted one of the brussel sprouts and there it was!"
"Waiter, why in the world do you have your finger on top of my steak?"
"So it won't fall off the plate again, sir."
Waiter: "May I help you with that soup, sir?"
Sailor: "What do you mean, help me? I don't need any help."
Waiter: "Sorry; from the sound I thought you might wish to be dragged ashore."
Customer: "Waiter! There's a fly in my soup."
Waiter: "That's strange. There were two of them when I left the kitchen."
Customer: "Waiter, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
Waiter: "You certainly came to the right place."
Customer: "This food is terrible. I won't eat it! You had better get the manager."
Waiter: "Won't do any good, mister. The manager won't eat it either


Jessica said...

LOL!!! That is good.

Dave said...


Yes, They are good!
